Ant & Julieannna,
This is the start of my blog. I have managed to get myself set up for Distance Learning so I can now get books from the library etc. Mechanization Takes Command arrived this morning along with Clean and Decent by Lawrence Wright, sub-titles "The Fascinating History of the Bathroom and the Water-closet, and of sundry Habits, Fashions and Accessories of the Toilet" so it should be informing. It also seems to look more into the personification of bathrooms by particular people throughout time, which is quite relevant to my project. It coincidentally quotes Siegfried Giedion whom wrote Mechanization Takes Command.
I have re-requested The Bathroom by Alexander Kira and Bathroom Unplugged: Architecture and Intimacy by Dirk Hebel and Jorg Stollman.
I have also started to read some of Elizabeth Shove's work that Julieanna suggested.
I have also noticed that I shower/bathe differently at my parents home, which reflects upon the differences in spaces/rooms used for bathing/showering. I have decided to do some film studies here - which in a way reflect my thoughts that we negotiate the space we are provided with as opposed to moving freely within it. Thoughts?