Re-designing the bathroom_Iteration 7

Plan view of Iteration 7. Shows the progression from entry (blue) to sink (aqua) to shower (green) to bath (pink).

 (Above x 1 and below x 3) Elevations.

Plan view of Iteration 7, starting with the entry closest to the viewer. Demonstrates a clearer journey or progression through the design.

Iterations 5 & 6 in comparison to existing bathroom...

Iteration 6
Plan view of Iteration 6 showing the comparison in size, shape and form against the rectangular bathroom room. 

 Iteration 5.1
Plan view of Iteration 5.1 in comparison to my existing bathroom - looking at positioning it so it fits into the bathroom space without penetrating the existing structure.

Iteration 5.2

Plan view of Iteration 5.2, showing the relationship between action, movement and space. Penetrates existing structure if entrance is to be located in the same place.

Re-designing the bathroom_Iteration 6

Plan view of re-design Iteration 6, once again this design layout focuses on the progression from entry (blue) to sink (aqua) to shower (green) to bath (pink).

 (Above x 1 and below x 3) Elevations.

 Perspective view of relationship between spaces.
 Plan view once more, looking at the entry point being closest to the viewer.
And with labelled spaces where particular actions occur.

Re-designing the bathroom_Iteration 5

Original Form from previous iterations - including description of areas of space within existing bathroom structure.

Dividing the areas of space into multiple forms or areas of space. For ease of viewing I have colour-coordinated the different areas.
Pink = Bathing
Red = Entry to sister's bedroom
Green = Showering
Blue = Main Entry
Aqua = Sink area
Orange = Wall area

 Re designing the space taking into account duration and time spent within the bathroom as realized in my bathroom diary and in the diagrams I created from this.

 Elevations are no-longer related to the existing site, they're are no specific N, E, S or W's. The form can be rotated into the space according to other factors apart from existing structure.

Plan view of new layout. Progression is from main entry (blue) to sink (aqua) to shower (green) to bath (pink).

Re-designing the bathroom_Iteration 4.2

 Differentiating the different places where products would be - but actually just imply that the action for doing these occurs here. This references my existing bathroom, and where the various components are.

 Plan view of the form inside my bathroom.

 East Elev with form inside the shell.

 West Elev with form inside the shell.

 South Elev - can see form penetrating bathroom shell, into my sister's bedroom.

Perspective view of form within the confines of my bathroom in Rolleston. 
Evokes feeling of being trapped.

Re-designing the bathroom_Iteration 4.1

Iteration 4.1 looks at the form of the bathroom through analysis and reflection of the bathroom diary, translation of movements within the diary into shape and form and transformation of form into spatial gesture. 

Sketch of original movement diagram which heavily influence the form of Iteration 4. This highlights the comparison between the movements I make and space I use within the bathroom, and the rectangular room provided.

Re-designing the bathroom_Iteration 4 development

 Plan view.

 East Elev.


 Plan developed.

East Elev developed.

 West Elev.

 North Elev.

 South Elev.

Perspective developed.

Re-designing the bathroom_Iteration 4

 Developing the movement form into a spatial gesture. The line on the ground plane represents the boundaries of movement that occurred within my bathroom diary over a week-period.

 Plan view - the red shape on the ground plane is the movement diagram I created over a week from entries into my bathroom diary. The form symbolizes areas of space I went into throughout that week. It is seen above and below with reference to my existing bathroom shell in Rolleston.