A series of images taken today after having a shower. The images are mainly of the glass structure - the shower - and the stream/drips/watermarks left on it after my presence in the shower - after me using the shower to shower. The steam/drips/watermarks are a unintentional drawing on the relationship between my body and the shower during the act of showering. The splashes made by myself during showering/washing/combing/shampooing/conditioning/scratching/turning on/turning off/adjusting/shaving/lifting/bending hit the steamed up glass partition and create a drawing of the consequence of movement - the consequence of using the shower for it's intended purpose.
The actions and movements I do when I shower very depending on what I enter the bathroom to do. If I have a bath, chances are I won't leave any marks on the shower. If I shower, wash myself and not my hair, I will leave washing/scrubbing/rinsing marks on the shower cubicle - visible from the inside and out. If I shower myself and wash my hair, I will leave completely different marks - or traces that my body has been there - on the shower. In fact, every time I shower the markings I create will be completely different - as unique to me as my fingerprints - and created as a consequence of movement, ritual, routine and actions within the shower.
Outside of shower, just after having a shower.
My reflection in the shower door - reflected on steamed, splashed glass
The shower from outside of the shower looking in at the mechanics of it. My drawing exposes or hides parts of the shower - this is a consequence of me using the shower - a result of inhabitation. A result of body does action uses product meets material.
And again.
Inside the shower, just after having a shower.
Looking out at the bathroom through the splatter/splash/watermarks on the shower glass.
And again.
The drips on the soap holder are a result of my presence in the shower.
The splatter marks created by my body - a visual of the body and product colliding.
Towards the top of the shower glass less splashes are visible - would a taller person splash the whole shower? Would an even smaller person splash even less? The splash marks are unique to my body.
The floor outside the shower, after stepping out of the shower.
Stepping out of the shower door and onto the bathmat, the transition between shower and floor is splattered with drips from my body as it moves through the door way and places each foot on the floor outside before reaching the bathmat. Then closing the door behind me.