(18th & 19th) Overlaying Movement Diagrams
Starting to play around with overlaying the two Movement Diagrams I've already done. Overlaying information - thinking about density (high density = high use etc.), thinking about what parts of the room I use more often than others and thinking about what I do most often in the bathroom - look in the mirror. Duration - duration of time spent looking in the mirror, brushing my teeth, showering etc. Also layering the actions that take place within the bathroom.
Laura Ford's Thesis_some notes
"In spatial design, the treatment of surface is part of the experience of a design on a grander scale, like walls, ceilings and floors that give us enclosures and places to perform different rituals.2" Laura Ford, Surface built : making the New Zealand home : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Design in Spatial Design at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand. Retrieved from http://muir.massey.ac.nz/handle/10179/1523 on Thursday September 1, 2011.
2 Graeme Brooker and Sally Stone.“From Organisation to Decoration.” In Thinking inside the Box: A Reader in Interior Design for the 21st Century, edited by Scotland Interiors Forum, 125-32. London: Middlesex University Press, 2007., 126.
Quote from Laura Fords Thesis Foreword P. 2. The use of the word 'ritual' - have a look at footnote "From Organisation to Decoration". Requested "Thinking Inside the Box".
P. 3, nice way of addressing shift in focus.
2 Graeme Brooker and Sally Stone.“From Organisation to Decoration.” In Thinking inside the Box: A Reader in Interior Design for the 21st Century, edited by Scotland Interiors Forum, 125-32. London: Middlesex University Press, 2007., 126.
Quote from Laura Fords Thesis Foreword P. 2. The use of the word 'ritual' - have a look at footnote "From Organisation to Decoration". Requested "Thinking Inside the Box".
P. 3, nice way of addressing shift in focus.
Laura Ford,
Film_31st August_Pre-shower
Once again the composition is the same as before, I wanted to focus on the sound of my pre-shower rituals. The camera is siting on the outside of the shower, pressed against the glass partition between bathroom and shower. The idea is to use the products at the lens through which the bathroom, or actions within the bathroom, are perceived. The visuals of the film become more effective during the act of showering when the heat, steam and water collide with the glass.
Film_31st August_Cleaning the bath
The composition of this film is the same as cleaning the shower, but is more focused on the sound.
In response to Supervision notes dated 19.08.11
Supervision notes
_Analysis informing several design exercises. - Working on. Unsure.
_Seminars - reading that had analysis of movements/diary - look back on. - Pedgley - "Capturing and analysing(sp?) own design activity"
_Site. Rolleston. Modelled up. Site information gathered.
_Title. Theorize tailor-made. Could be tailor-made physically, or tailor-made through my experience?
_NZ housing. Lots to work with - inform my direction.
Communicate to audience what the house is. Describe house. "2009 NZ Stonewood house." Built by...designed by...
- Have found out as much as I can about the design of my house from what we have available - paying particular attention to the bathroom.
_Pragmatic - Pre-Chch design exercises. Height of faucet for me etc. Remember, things extend from the bathroom - hot water cylinder, pipes, laundry etc. Think beyond the surface - lining, glue, 'stuff'. Redesigning the current bathroom 'tailor-made' to personal body shape, size etc.
_Poetic - Post-Chch design exercises. Particularly film of feet through tiles - my relationship to my NZ home. Video, soundscape, sensual, provocative. Documenting the NZ bathroom actions, movements - relationship to body through film.
_Reflect upon what I have done so far. View it for all it's worth, in other ways and think about how it informs my project and my projects direction.
- Initial Films - personal actions in the bathroom.
- Movement Drawings - life-sized. Capturing my experience of the bathroom, that I am always moving. Captures specific moments in the shower and bath.
- Movement Drawings 2 - life-sized. Trying to draw myself while I reenact the act of showering and bathing. Impossible to capture the still moment - only in that position for a split second, then move.
- Movement Drawings Films - capturing the act of trying to reenact bathing or showering and projecting it, then drawing it onto paper.
- Digital 3d 'Bath-Room' - 3d space constructed from the movements I make in the bathroom. (3 iterations)
- Diary - Written rigorous documentation of what I do in the bathroom. (About 3 weeks worth of diary entries to date).
- Film Diary - Visual documentation of what I do in the bathroom. Composition reflects the body onto the architecture and products highlighting my movement through the bathroom room. (Various iterations).
- Sound Diary - Auditory documentation of what I do in the bathroom. Individual sounds from when I am in the bathroom - when the bathroom is functioning. (Various iterations).
- Photographs of Body & Bathroom - photographs taken after having a shower and looking at the state of the shower as a consequence of using the product. The subconscious drawings the body creates on the shower.
More in-depth reflection needed. Rough summary only.
_Laura Ford's thesis. Look online. Few chapters I'd like on bathroom, surface, domestic house etc. Downloaded and browsed quickly through.
_Re-model my current bathroom - 2 iterations of the same design or different methods. 2 pragmatic // 1 pragmatic, 1 poetic // 2 poetic. Think about the 2 different directions my project could take.
Images_my bathroom as a result of my body
A series of images taken today after having a shower. The images are mainly of the glass structure - the shower - and the stream/drips/watermarks left on it after my presence in the shower - after me using the shower to shower. The steam/drips/watermarks are a unintentional drawing on the relationship between my body and the shower during the act of showering. The splashes made by myself during showering/washing/combing/shampooing/conditioning/scratching/turning on/turning off/adjusting/shaving/lifting/bending hit the steamed up glass partition and create a drawing of the consequence of movement - the consequence of using the shower for it's intended purpose.
The actions and movements I do when I shower very depending on what I enter the bathroom to do. If I have a bath, chances are I won't leave any marks on the shower. If I shower, wash myself and not my hair, I will leave washing/scrubbing/rinsing marks on the shower cubicle - visible from the inside and out. If I shower myself and wash my hair, I will leave completely different marks - or traces that my body has been there - on the shower. In fact, every time I shower the markings I create will be completely different - as unique to me as my fingerprints - and created as a consequence of movement, ritual, routine and actions within the shower.
Outside of shower, just after having a shower.
My reflection in the shower door - reflected on steamed, splashed glass
The shower from outside of the shower looking in at the mechanics of it. My drawing exposes or hides parts of the shower - this is a consequence of me using the shower - a result of inhabitation. A result of body does action uses product meets material.
And again.
Inside the shower, just after having a shower.
Looking out at the bathroom through the splatter/splash/watermarks on the shower glass.
And again.
The drips on the soap holder are a result of my presence in the shower.
The splatter marks created by my body - a visual of the body and product colliding.
Towards the top of the shower glass less splashes are visible - would a taller person splash the whole shower? Would an even smaller person splash even less? The splash marks are unique to my body.
The floor outside the shower, after stepping out of the shower.
Stepping out of the shower door and onto the bathmat, the transition between shower and floor is splattered with drips from my body as it moves through the door way and places each foot on the floor outside before reaching the bathmat. Then closing the door behind me.
Friday 19th August_Movement Diagram
The circles represent when my body was fixed at a point for a varied pause of time. I have used dotted lines to represent lines of sight when I looked in the mirror.
This is the second movement diagram I have created which can be compared to Thursday 18th August's movement diagram, overlayed and used as a visual tool to drive the design of my bathroom.
The drawings are personal to my movement and actions within the bathroom, tailor-made to how I negotiate my existing bathroom and give the viewer insight into the way way I inhabit my own personal space.
(18th) Movement Diagrams_Rediscovering the Bathroom IV
Overlaying the text and visual. What could be a beautiful flowing diagram looks awkward around the edges where the body and the bathroom meet.
(18th) Movement Diagrams_Rediscovering the Bathroom III
Taking the initial movement diagram and removing the context.
It looks like a trail of someone who keeps bumping into walls.
These diagrams will be useful to overlay on each other (once I have created a few over a period of time - reference to time Perec, routine, film measuring time and diary; measure of time spent somewhere, memories and routines etc - from previous diary entries). They will create a sort of matrix of movement maps for me to develop further.
How do I create my bathroom for someone else to see? Or how do they experience what I do, how I move and how I interact with my bathroom - products and body?
It looks like a trail of someone who keeps bumping into walls.
These diagrams will be useful to overlay on each other (once I have created a few over a period of time - reference to time Perec, routine, film measuring time and diary; measure of time spent somewhere, memories and routines etc - from previous diary entries). They will create a sort of matrix of movement maps for me to develop further.
How do I create my bathroom for someone else to see? Or how do they experience what I do, how I move and how I interact with my bathroom - products and body?
(18th) Movement Diagrams_Rediscovering the Bathroom I

Rediscovering the bathroom.
Thursday 18th August_Movement Diagram
First movement diagram in relation to Thursday 18th August Diary Entry. This diagram looks at the movements recorded in the diary for that day throughout various points in the day.
The circles represent when my body was fixed at a point for a varied pause of time. I have used dotted lines to represent lines of sight when I looked in the mirror. I am going to bring this quickly into P/shop and label the various movements back onto themselves and have a play around with creating another movement diagram from this.
The circles represent when my body was fixed at a point for a varied pause of time. I have used dotted lines to represent lines of sight when I looked in the mirror. I am going to bring this quickly into P/shop and label the various movements back onto themselves and have a play around with creating another movement diagram from this.
Tuesday_Sketchup model
Starting to construct the sink with drawer underneath
Side view of construction and handle (adjusted later on)
Tap, mirror and drain hole
Over all plan of my bathroom from Sketchup today
Closer view of my bathroom
Perspective view of the bathroom showing over all layout. Includes towel rail and improved drawer and door handles. Yet to add individual tiles and lighting.
Plan of my bathroom.
Shower also needs shower head, hose and shelving.
Sketchup model shower progress
Detail of the glass structure, door hinge and drain
Close up of the drain
Over all view of the shower in progress
More detailed still...
Including the faucet and door handles
Sketchup model cont...
Over all above view of my bathroom
Detailing up the bath
Beginning on the shower
Playing with curving the shower floor
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